LAN Party – BDay Edition
LAN partiers, Wii’ers, 360’ers, and PS3’ers
Atch is hosting the “LAN Party – BDay Edition”
The plan:
We’ll start Friday, August 1st, 2008, and go into Saturday. Bring your own computer, keyboard, mouse, headphones and/or speakers, and any other “accessories” you need. I have plenty of spare 19 inch CRT monitors if you would rather not lug your monitor to the party. They are simple (DB-15 connector) monitors so MAKE SURE you bring YOUR DVI adapter! There will be no on-site technicians. I will provide a desk, chair, power cables, and a network cable.
The food:
If the weather holds out Atch will be grilling! I plan on hamburgers and hot dogs with all the fixings. If you would like to bring something for the grill, be my guest. Feel free to bring any food and snacks. I think we’ll have some birthday cake and ice cream too.
Saturday morning might be Atch omelet’s if anyone is interested. RSVP ahead of time so I can get all the fixings.
The drink:
BYOB! In case you forget there is a Kroger about 5 minutes away.
The place:
Atch’s Place! Directions will be emailed upon request.
The when:
Friday August 1st. I will get the grill started around 6:00pm. Plan to be at the house no later than 6:30pm if you want burgers, dogs, or anything else on the grill. LAN party setup starts no sooner than 2:00pm – We’ll game until whenever!
The LIVE broadcast:
I think I’m giving up on the live broadcasts in the interest of an enjoyable gaming experience. We found that the live broadcast was making playing some Internet based games unplayable.