Blizzard of 2007!
Well I dodged the Blizzard Bullet and moved into the new house last weekend. Actually, it’s been two weeks already! Wow how time flies.
I’ve had some major hardware issues with the webserver. In other words, the computer that holds this website. With the help of a couple geek friends I think I’ve returned to a fairly stable state. The hardware that was acting up seems to be fine now. However I know that could change which is why I now have a backup that I can switch to if needed.
I’m still getting unpacked but thanks to Jim I now have one car in the garage. He came over last week and helped me organize (or defragment) my garage. It is great having that space back and having more furniture and stuff in the house.
Hope you managed through the Blizzard of 2007! Here are some photos in my area:
Also, my friend Brad has some great photos in his photo gallery of the Blizzard: