Category Archives: News

LAN Party – Turkey Giblets 3rd Edition

LAN partiers, Wii’ers, and PS3’ers Atch hosting the “Turkey Giblets, 3rd Edition, LAN party!” Thanks for all who attended in person and online. The plan: We’ll start the day after Thanksgiving, Friday night (November 27th) and go into Saturday. Bring your own computer, monitor, keyboard,

LAN Party – LANbour Day 2009 Edition

LAN partiers, X-Box’ers, Wii’ers, and PS3’ers Atch hosting the “LANbour Day 2009 Edition, LAN party!” The plan: We’ll start Friday night (September 4th) and go into Monday at the most. Plans might change as everyones schedules become finalized. Bring your own computer, monitor, keyboard, mouse,

One small step into history

Congratulations Apollo 11 – 40 Years Check out some enhanced video of this incredible moment for all Mankind:

500th Human in Space

Today, July 15th, 2009, the 500th Human being has gone into Space! Isn’t that amazing? Congratulations, Chris Cassidy and the rest of the Space Shuttle Endeavor crew. Another space record will take place this week when Endeavor’s 7 crew join the 6 crew on the

Monorails running again after accident

The Monorail system is running again at Walt Disney World just about 24 hours after a terrible accident which killed one cast member. It seems to me that they must have found a clear reason for the accident otherwise I cannot imagine they would have

Monorail accident

Something I didn’t think was even possible happened last night, Sunday July 5th around 2:00am, when two monorail trains collided at Walt Disney World, killing one cast member. My thoughts are with their family.

50 Year Anniversary of the Monorail

Today in Disney History: The Disneyland-Alweg Monorail System begins operation in Tomorrowland at Disneyland. It represents the first urban monorail system in the USA. US Vice President Richard Nixon helps with the dedication.

Economics 101

My friend Jeff has posted an interesting take on the new administrations tax breaks on his blog: While it may or may not be true that those with income under $250k won’t pay a “single dime” in new taxes (and I’ll assume for the moment

Winter Classic 2009

It was an incredible day at Wrigley field! A perfect setting for the 2009 Winter Classic. It was cold but just amazing! I’m still just taking it all in. For now enjoy some photos from the event.   Thanks to Chicago for hosting. The host

NHL Hockey – Winter Classic

Winter Classic Preview   Hockey, specifically the National Hockey League (NHL), is the only sport that I watch on a regular basis and have for a couple decades. My team is the Detroit Red Wings. They are my team because I grew up in Michigan

LAN Party – Christmas Break Edition

LAN partiers, Wii’ers, and PS3’ers Atch hosting the “Christmas break, 1st Edition, LAN party!” Twas the day after Christmas, and nobody was hyper. Not a creature was stirring, except for a sniper. The guns were all cleaned, and loaded with care, in hopes that a

Darn it!!

Well I have been denied access to tickets to the Winter Classic outdoor NHL Hockey game in Chicago versus the Red Wings.

LAN Party – Turkey Gilblets 2nd Edition

LAN partiers, Wii’ers, and PS3’ers Atch hosting the “Turkey Giblets, 2nd Edition, LAN party!” The plan: We’ll start Thursday night (November 27th) and go into Friday. Bring your own computer, monitor, keyboard, mouse, headphones and/or speakers, and any other “accessories” you need. The food: Feel

Welcome Home Frisch Family!

Today was a special day for the Frisch Family of Toledo, Ohio. They took part in the famous “Move That Bus!” ceremony in front of their new beautiful home. There was an amazing turn out to watch, and take part in, the filming of ABC’s

Extreme Makeover Home Edition comes to Toledo

Toledo Ohio is the current subject of the next Extreme Makeover Home Edition! It is very exciting to have such an amazing production so close to home. Many of you will recall that my Brother got to watch a few days of an EMHE in

LAN Party – BDay Edition

LAN partiers, Wii’ers, 360’ers, and PS3’ers Atch is hosting the “LAN Party – BDay Edition” The plan: We’ll start Friday, August 1st, 2008, and go into Saturday. Bring your own computer, keyboard, mouse, headphones and/or speakers, and any other “accessories” you need. I have plenty